My first Narrative Design role for a polished project was Grimhook, a character-action platform game featuring a heroic adventurer, Dart, and his relationship with Kaia-Talia, an ancient goddess that resides in his head, as they explore and try to save a flooded island city
Secret Surgeon
This is the story bible for a game still in development.  It tells the story of a young man who acquires regenerative abilities and uses it to sell his own organs to pull his family out of poverty.  The document includes a history of the city the game takes place in, as well as character bios for the protagonist and every side character.
Galactic Gladiators
This was the UTD Game Lab project of Fall 2023-Spring 2024.  I worked as a narrative designer on the pre-production stage.  My fellow narrative designer and I developed a well-organized story bible to help the team understand the game's expansive universe as it was coming together.
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